Insurance Litigation

Insurance Litigation Lawsuit Cash Advances

Being injured through no fault of your own is an extremely stressful experience. You not only have to deal with the pain and suffering of the injury, but then medical bills, lost wages and other costs begin to pile up. There is also the litigation between the insurance carriers involved. You may be waiting months or even years for a settlement or court judgment due to the time it takes for a case to make its way through the court system. That is why you or your lawyer may want to consider pre settlement funding to help you through the time it takes for insurance litigation to conclude.

Catastrophic injury lawsuits, medical malpractice cases and other cases involving insurance litigation can take a long time to settle. This is because due to the amount of money involved, an insurance company will do everything it can arguing back and forth with your lawyer about why it should not have to pay a settlement. Even if your case is clearly meritorious, the insurance company is likely to try to drag out the case, hoping you will accept the first offer they make.

A cash advance can help you take care of some of the needs you have now while you are waiting for a settlement or court judgment. Getting over an injury can require months of rehabilitation, so with a cash settlement you can focus on getting better rather than worrying about the bills that are piling up.

To apply for a cash pre settlement funding, you can apply to Justice Law Fund with your name, contact information, your attorney’s contact information and your case type. After that, we will request the information we need to evaluate your case fully. We cover many different types of cases, and it is free to apply to see if you qualify. If you don’t win your case, you do not owe us any money. Call (800) 600-6330 to see how Justice Law Fund can help you!